The screen printing press is one of the most important pieces of equipment a printer can invest in. It’s the vehicle that drives you to a great print or a subpar result. If you’re looking for a high-quality press that makes multi-color printing simple, increases production speed, and can last a lifetime — keep reading.
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How good is your SPM (shirts per minute) right now? Can you crank out 20, 50, 100 shirts an hour? One way to increase your output while enhancing the end result is using a conveyor dryer to cure garments. Conveyor dryers are faster and more efficient at curing prints compared to flash dryer or heat presses. Keep reading to learn more about conveyor dryers and how you can get one up and running in your shop soon.
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You’re ready to shift your shop into first gear with your new Riley Hopkins 150 screen printing press. To get your press up and running, it needs to be assembled. Follow along with the assembly video and/or follow the instructions so you can start printing in no time.
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When browsing and searching for screen printing equipment, you may have seen a device called a forced air flash dryer. It exists for a reason, but for what exactly? A forced air flash unit serves a specific purpose, one that makes printers’ lives much easier. Let’s look into it.
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Screen printing presses can be equipped with all kinds of features like side clamps, two-point roller gates, locking levers, and more. You may have stumbled across the term "micro registration" or "micros." What is micro registration exactly and is it...
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